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Read an essay about Edinburgh
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Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Edinburgh Military Tattoo

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile - St. Giles Cathedral

on the Royal Mile - St. Giles Cathedral when the weather changed

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile - the esplanade where the Tattoo is performed. The castle is in the background

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile - Holyrood Palace

the Royal Mile from outside

the Royal Mile from outside

this guy has the unlikely name of "Dan Duderino"

on the Royal Mile

When we first saw this woman it was from a distance and we thought she was wearing a mask. Upon closer inspection that is her actual face.

on the Royal Mile

on the Royal Mile

This is NOT our son Aaron. He's an actor from London named Ben Caplan who looks enough like Aaron to be his twin.







Victoria St

Victoria St

Victoria St

Victoria St

Victoria St with Victoria Terrace at the top

Hotel Balmoral

Hotel Balmoral

Bank of Scotland Head Office

Bank of Scotland Head Office

Bank of Scotland Head Office

Bank of Scotland Head Office

memorial to Sir Walter Scott

memorial to Sir Walter Scott

memorial to Sir Walter Scott

memorial to Sir Walter Scott

roof of Waverley Station in the foreground

marker in St. Cuthbert's Church noting the unmarked grave of John Napier, the inventor of logarithms

Greyfriars Bobby who stayed by the grave of his deceased owner for 14 years until his own death

Royal Yacht Britannia - the rear deck for the family to relax

Royal Yacht Britannia - a sunroom just inside the rear deck

Royal Yacht Britannia

Royal Yacht Britannia - her queenliness's actual bed

Royal Yacht Britannia - the bed for the prince consort (Prince Philip) attached to the Queen's room

Royal Yacht Britannia - the only double bed on the yacht used by Charles and Diana on their honeymoon

Royal Yacht Britannia - State dining room

Royal Yacht Britannia - State dining room

Royal Yacht Britannia - State dining room

Royal Yacht Britannia - one the place settings requiring millimeter precision

Royal Yacht Britannia

the queen's bedroom is immediately up the stairs, her office is to the right of the stairs, Prince Philip's office is to the left of the stairs and the state dining room is ahead of the foot of the stairs

Royal Yacht Britannia - drawing room

Royal Yacht Britannia - drawing room, the piano is bolted down to avoid movement in heavy seas

Royal Yacht Britannia - drawing room

Royal Yacht Britannia - a photo of the yacht entering Sydney Harbor

Royal Yacht Britannia - this photo was taken from the parking lot adjoining the mall where the yacht is docked

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel

across the street from the grounds of Rosslyn Chapel

across the street from the grounds of Rosslyn Chapel

across the street from the grounds of Rosslyn Chapel

across the street from the grounds of Rosslyn Chapel



© 2008 Rick Wexler   last updated February 21, 2008